The Historically Time of these Area^traditionally background!The Forth Port of Pakistan (The Sonmiani Port)
has a coastline of about 1050 km along the Arabian Sea.350km in Sindh
and 700km in Balochistan,in part Makran ranges cover a vast area that is
about 400 km long and 250 km wide.
forth port of Pakistan, Sonmiani a small area in the distric lasbela of
East Coast Balochistan. Lasbela district can be divided into three
parts, The north-eastern mountains and hilly areas, the southern
western hilly areas and the central plane. In the Sonmaini (winder,dam
,miani,balochi goth(town),meer abad,gulshairry and some small rural
areas). Sonmani is 80 km North West of Karachi.
is 13km from Winder City RCD Highway in the west. Port is linked with
RCD by road which passes from the center of the village and terminates
at Daam Bunder some 3 km in the West from Miani. Most diffrent people
have own trad of life there is business more then Fishing. In the
Sonmiani mostlly knouwn area's Daam port, becous it is now only one port
in the sonmiani!
History of sonmiani creat from Miani, wiche are now are small area.It
was a papular city in the coastal area of balochistan .According to
Area People it was a beg fishing Shore,mostly,there was shope 500 to 600
of business,
Sonmiani was a beg place ,traditionally and culturally it was place in
Central Asia, which is now carried to Karachi by the railway, made its
way through Kalat to the coast at Miani.According to the historical
record in Sonmiani’s Palmyra (an Asian fan palm which yields or carried
wood fiber ,and more then fruit) in The Trade days, 500 boats were
engaged in fishing and 250 large native crafts in the carrying trade to
Muscat ,Karachi, Bombay and elsewhere. Pearl oysters were found in the
bay. About the year 1805 the Joasmi pirates of Ras-ul-Khima, known as
Uttumi sacked and burned the town.
On the construction of the Indo-European Telegraph lines, a large bungalow was built by the telegraph department. At one time Sonmiani was surrounded by a mud wall,but this was allowed to fall, and by 1838 scarcely a vestige of it remained. The remains of a small fort in the suburbs, built in former times to resist the attacks of pirates, were visible till 1840. However, it was later on completely destroyed.
are different stories about how the village was named as Sonmiani.
According to one such story,.. As “son” is Sindhi word for gold, the
village was named as Sonmiani. port of the gold. However,according to
another aphorism, more than a century back there lived a woman name
“Soan”. She was a hospitable woman, who would serve the travelers
traveling from long distance as well as the poor fishermen fishing in
the area, with meals. Thus, the village was later on named after that
generous woman.
to community elders’ view, historically Sonmiani was a large and
prosperous sea port of Balochistan. Business activities also boomed in
this port town as the town bazaars were existed more than 600 shops. The
village population had soured to 10,000. Hindus were engaged in
business and trade.. Even before the independence of Pakistan, Sonmiani
was a busy business and trade centre, with Hindus dominating the trade
activities. However, the town received a big jolt as Hindus migrated
from the area soon after the partition of the subcontinent.
fate of the town was also being sealed gradually by another important
factor. The Winder River mouth (Delta) area had also started silting
with the passage of time.Interestingly such silting process also reached
at its peak at the same period when the town was facing the economic
jolt due to the migration of Hindu businessmen. As a result, fishermen
communities of the town were deprived of their fishing port as well as a
major shallow water fishing ground. The siltation blocked water into
Sonmiani Port, resultantly; the boats could not be anchored. This was a
great economic shock for the villagers, who had no other option but to
find another fishing ground as well as port. Dam Bunder, a village and
fishing port was the only alternative being in the proximity of Sonmiani
village. A number of villagers of Sonmiani village had to migrate to
Dam Bunder to continue their fishing activities.
The Historically Time of these Area^ background!
Many Hindus migrated from Sonmiani.These Days Hindus closed More article of miani hor.
Primary Boys School was established in Dam Village.
Houses left by hindus were allotted to the Locals.
Tehsil Sonmiani Headquater shifted to winder.
Middle School established to Sonmiani.
Water Flow increased in Winder River Due To High Flood.
Sonmiani Was made tehsil.
Road Was constructed between Sonmiani and Winder.
Drinking water was supplied.
Drastic Reduction in winder River Due to lack of rains.
Electricity was Provided To Sonmiani,
are Maximume focus Attention of Some thing Like Mangrove forest ,Sand
Beach,desiret ,Serinda lake ,and Species of fish’s like Shrimp’s ,Jelly
Fish,Comb jelly Fish,sand dun’s ,crab,shells.and here are many species
found in this ecosystem ,including animal’s and Bird’s.. Mangrove
forests are considered to be breeding grounds for fish and shrimp
Mangrove Resources

there is little pressure of cutting and chopping on this species. Its
fodder is nutrient for the cattle; therefore communities’ prefer to use
it as fodder. However, the Kumri species is certainly on decline. It is
because the Kumri wood is straight and is used in building houses etc.
Similarly, Kain is also on decline due to cutting and browsing by the
animals especially camels, belonging to Layari, Bhira and other
Different kinds of fish and shrimp species are found in the coastal
waters of Sonmiani as well as Dam Bunder. The major fish species,
according to local communities, are 15 sort of shrimps,5 sort of
crab,comb jelly are 3 spices,sharks as 3 sort still .and the shrimp
species. The fishing season starts from month of August and continues
up to the mid of March while in June and July the fishing is off due to
high tides in the sea and official breeding season ban. In summer season
as the sea is closed for fishing due to high tides, the fishermen catch
different kinds of crabs including Blue and Red Crab.Tortoise
exact a wonderfull and intrestlly a sort by fish , very fast inteligent
and manner of good fen fish,that are (Haram) like not alow eat in Islam
,and 2nd is that Tortoise com in fish-net then people throw easlly in
sea , that our smile when we catch and throw by Hope that com next time.
Sand dunes
Occur throughout the world on coast and are in majority arid desert
regions. The sand is used commercially for many purposes elsewhere but
the local community of Sonmiani is unaware of its utilization on
commercial basis. There are about 12,698 ha of area covered by sand dune
(Rasool et al, 2000). The sand dunes on the coast are encroaching the
mangrove forests, thus covering the forest area.
Molluscan Shells
are used to make artificial ornaments and many types of decoration
pieces. A variety of gastropod and pelecypod shells are available that
could be used for making ornaments or decoration pieces. But the locals
lack knowledge of proper marketing; values of these resources, hence
these resources are not being utilized at all.
Lake 's
is only one natural lake also known as Siranda Lake. It is a shallow
brackish lagoon, separated from Sonmiani Bay to the west by a series of
sand dunes. Its total area is about 2700 ha. The lake is fed by local
run off and possibly seepage of seawater through the dunes. Water level
fluctuates widely and in some years the lake dries out completely. It is
an important wintering area for water birds including flamingos, ducks
(particularly shelduck) and coots. The lake is a hunting resort for
shikaris. If the lake is managed properly then there is likelihood of
getting fish from the lake as well as generating opportunities for
locals through eco-tourism development.
Tourist Area’s

Sandy Shore at the Edge of the sea link with desertification and
lake.Morning to Evening Weather is Tremendous in the winter.
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